Hello, friends.
I'm Jastyne, better known as "Jazz" to most:
A messy-haired, bright-eyed, free-Spirit child, who's saturated in grace and redeemed by a Love that's greater than I can fathom.
Currently residing in a little costal town in Southern California,
I'm preparing for graduate school in hopes of becoming a therapist.
I spend my days pondering, learning, laughing, working, and soaking in the sea breeze.
The defining passions of my life can be summed up simply: loving God, and loving people. Letting the light of the Lord shine through every aspect of my being, living as an instrument of His love and grace. There's a burning in my heart that I don't want quenched, and a song in my soul that I don't want silenced. It's my greatest hope that I would love God with everything I am, and that my life will sing of His beautiful love and glory.
I want to be a Lover of the Light.
"The Light shines in the darkness,
and the darkness can never overcome it."
-John 1:5